Tag: nonprofit

New Apartments for Foster Youth in Kern County

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Covenant Community Services, Inc., in partnership with the Kern County Housing Authority (HACK), is proud to announce the opening of Cornerstone North Chester. The newly renovated building was initially built for a doctor’s office and has been transformed into 18 studio apartments for foster youth. The journey to new housing for foster youth began with…

The Pink Lady Mobile Coffee Truck is Hitting the Streets of Bakersfield

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Zach Martin, Director of Operations, says they’ve been delivering pastries and pouring hot and iced drinks to people of all ages across Kern County.

“People are in a crazy time where they can’t leave their house and there are certain things they would like to go out and get but they can’t,” said Martin.

Covenant Coffee Christmas Gifts that Give Hope to Foster Youth

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Christmas is days away. Although the holiday is not about gift-giving, it has become quite the tradition. As you wrap up last minute shopping, please think about a gift that wows your family and friends and also gives hope. You can feel great about a last-minute shopping spree at Covenant Coffee.