Tag: coffee

Covenant Coffee Christmas Gifts that Give Hope to Foster Youth

by admin

Christmas is days away. Although the holiday is not about gift-giving, it has become quite the tradition. As you wrap up last minute shopping, please think about a gift that wows your family and friends and also gives hope. You can feel great about a last-minute shopping spree at Covenant Coffee.

Creating spaces for transformation 

by admin

The backstory of this picture began almost 20 years ago. The year was 1998 and it was a tough year for the Martin family. We were going through a lot as a young couple and God was at work in our life. Little did we know what was going to transpire in the years and…

Help Covenant give hope through Give Big Kern!

by admin

I woke up really excited this morning.  While I’m always passionate about the work I do here at Covenant Community Services and Covenant Coffee, there’s something else that’s got me pumped. Today, May 3rd, thousands of Kern County residents are going to show their support for their favorite nonprofit during GIVE BIG KERN. Today, every donation and…