Tag: covenant

News Recap of Foster Care

by admin

The links below represent news we thought would be good to share. The news covers foster care, child abuse and neglect, adoption and former foster youth in the United States and abroad. The Foster Care System: What parents Wish We Knew – News coverage of the foster care system is often in response to stories about…

Merry Christmas from Covenant

by admin

Merry Christmas from the team at Covenant Community Services, Covenant Media and Covenant Coffee. It has been a tremendous year serving foster children and former foster youth. We have experienced amazing growth due to the generosity and kindness of the community and the hard work of our staff. 2012 ushered in many “new” things including…

The Party No One Came To benefits foster children and youth

by admin

Covenant Community Services, Inc. (Covenant) is holding their end of the year fundraiser and they don’t want you to come. It is called “The Party No One Came To”. The Party is an online auction and virtual party you can attend by signing up online at www.thepartynoonecameto.com. The party was developed when Covenant CEO, Randy…