Tag: covenant coffee

Hope is growing

by admin

Hope is growing. Daily, more individuals, families and businesses are partnering with Covenant Community Services to provide hope and love to abused and neglected children and youth. The community response to the Headquarters of Hope Campaign is continuing to grow despite tough economic times. The Headquarters of Hope (HQ of Hope) campaign was launched late…

Grabbing hope … A former foster youth succeeds!

by admin

On a recent morning, Jeremy awoke and began a busy day with Covenant Coffee. The destination after the 6:00am pickup by roastmaster, Isaac Dennis, was to a Cyclocross race that Jeremy would work. Jeremy is a former foster youth from Kern County and is employed with Covenant Coffee through the ACT program. At the end…

New Shareholder Stops by to Deliver Hope

by admin

Jim Poteete of Central Valley Pluming in Bakersfield became today’s newest “Headquarters of Hope” Shareholder. While enjoying a cup of fresh Covenant Coffee Poteete said he was excited to be part of Covenant’s new mission to bring hope to Kern County!