Why Covenant?

There is a Giant in the Land!

Covenant exists to battle the Giant of child abuse and neglect in the world. Our fight began in Kern County and is rooted in God’s Word and mandate to “serve the fatherless (the modern-day foster child or youth) in their time of need” James 1:27.

Covenant stands, not on top of a hill watching the battle; but, on the front line! We are engaging children and youth in their time of need and rallying the troops to help us in the fight. You are the person we are calling to the front line. We need you. The children need you. We need your time, talent and treasure … we need your faith! The giant is real but our God is bigger and your compassion breaks the back of the enemy.

Together, we can defeat the giant of child abuse and neglect!

Together, we can make a difference!

The statistics below provide an education on the “giant in the land”.  The giant of child abuse and neglect is killing children, stealing dreams and crushing hopes. The statistics reflect the danger and hopelessness.


California Statewide Statistics for 01/09 – 12/09

General Statistics

  • 471,790 children were reported as alleged victims of abuse or neglect. 1 in 20 children were alleged victims of abuse.
  • 90,472 children were confirmed to be victims of child abuse and neglect, the fewest number in the past ten years. 19.2%
  • 31,431 children entered the foster care out-of-home placement “system” in 2009. 38% had three or more placements.
  • 17,634 children in foster care were reunited with their families
  • 4,631 youth emancipated from care (aged out at 18 years old)
  • 7,369 children in foster care were adopted into families

Point in Time Statistics

  • 59,868 Foster Care Placements on January 1, 2010 – 33% or 20,000 were in care 3 years or longer, 20% were in care 5 years or longer
  • 30% of reporting sources for confirmed cases of abuse and neglect are Law Enforcement, Social Workers (8%), Educators (12%), Other Professionals (14%), Therapists (8%), or Family/Friend (5%).

State of California Demographics of Abused and Neglected children that entered the out-of-home placement system in 2009

  •  54% of confirmed victims of abuse are 6 years of age or older
  • 35 % of children in care are 11-17 years old
  • 49% Hispanic, 25% white, 21% black, and 5% Indian/Asian
  • 41% are placed in FFA Homes, 17% in County Foster Homes, 18% in Kinship care, 17% in group homes, 4% in Shelter care, and 3% in Guardianship care.
  • Gender remains neutral at 51% female and 49% male

Child Abuse and Neglect Type ~ Reasons for Removal 2009

  • Neglect = 22, 805 or 72%
  • Physical Abuse = 2,910 or 9%
  • Sexual Abuse = 862 or 3%
  • Other = 5,064 or 16%

 Top six reasons for Neglect

  1. General Neglect
  2. Substance Abuse by Caretaker
  3. Threat of Harm
  4. Failure to Protect
  5. Exposure to Domestic Violence
  6. Inadequate or Dangerous Shelter
  7. Lack of Supervision

Kern County Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics 2009

  • 17,654 Child Protective Services, Total Allegations of abuse and neglect
  • 4,745 Child Protective Services, Total Confirmed cases of abuse and neglect
  • 1, 367 Child Protective Services, Total Entries to Out-of-Home Placement System  

Kern County Demographics of Abused and Neglected children that entered the out-of-home placement system in 2009

  • 71% of confirmed victims of abuse are 5 years of age and younger
  • 23% of children in care are under 1 year old
  • 50% Hispanic, 34% white, 14% black, and 2% Indian/Asian
    • Disparity – black children are 5% of the total childhood population but comprise 14% of the children in care. Hispanics are 54% of childhood population. Whites are 35% of the childhood population.
  • 22% are placed in FFA Homes, 68% in County Foster Homes, 6% in Kinship care, 1% in group homes, 1% in Shelter care, and 2% in Guardianship care.
  • Gender remains neutral at 48% female and 52% male


Child Abuse and Neglect Type ~ Reasons for Removal

  • Neglect = 85%
  • Physical Abuse = 11%
  • Sexual Abuse = 2%
  • Other = 2%

Kern County Point in Time Statistics for January 1, 2010

  • 2,984 children served
  • 1,442 in Permanent Placement
  • 781 in Family reunification
  • 334 in post placement (Family Maintenance)
  • 321 in pre-placement (Family Maintenance)
  • 106 in Emergency Response

The Face of Foster Care in Kern County

If we compile all the statistics and determine the typical child in out-of-home care in Kern County we will conclude that he is a young boy (below the age of 5), living in a County foster home, and removed from his family due to general neglect. Let’s name him Miguel.

Miguel will probably move two times while his in care but possibly 3 or more. Miguel will have visits with his family in hopes of returning home but will probably become a permanent placement case and eventually adopted.

Miguel’s parents will have weekly visits that include drug tests if the reason for removal was drug-related. Many times his parents will come to the visit and test “dirty”. Miguel will not be able to see them. This process continues for up to 18 months with 6 month reviews.

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