Tag: orphans

God’s Work … God’s Way

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Yesterday, Kim and I launched another week of training for Royal Family Kids Camp (RFKC). This week, we are training new directors from five churches and five different states. We really enjoy this time of inspiration, education and revelation. We get to spend a week with amazing people that are following the heart of God…

Team from Covenant and Crossroads goes Glocal

by admin

We are headed back to Tanzania for another round of ministry. Below is critical information for our time including purpose, travel, plans and prayer needs. The team will be just two … Pastor Ken Souers, of Crossroads Christian Fellowship in Bakersfield, California, and Randy Martin, ICM USA Board Member, Covenant for Tanzania Children Founder and…

A Different Blend

by admin

If you are among the vast majority of the world’s population, you begin your day with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Every morning you hit that the snooze button, knowing you will inevitably have to roll out of bed and begin your day. For many, the arousing smell of brewing coffee is what allures…